Fawn Lane Farms
Call us: 208-267-1110  or 208-946-9644
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Kiko Goats
Welcome to Fawn Lane Farms
    Fawn Lane Farms is located North of Bonners Ferry, Idaho.  In 2013 we started raising goats with 13 Kikos brought home from Half-Penny Farms near Goldendale, WA. 
    Kikos are a low maintenance goat. Kikos are early maturing, aggressive foragers and can kid on their own out in the pasture, often having multiple kids. The does have exceptional maternal instincts, the bucks are aggressive breeders, and the kids gain weight rapidly. These goats are parasite tolerant and have minimal hoof problems.
   In the spring of 2017, we added some commercial goats to our herd.  Now most of our goats are a crossbreed mixture of Boer, Spanish and Kiko.   The Boer and Spanish breeds have added more meat to the Kiko carcasses.
  Great Pyrenees dogs do a great job of guarding livestock and have been a necessary and wonderful addition to the farm.
 We also have Shetland Sheep dogs. They a great job of keeping the goats in the right paddock.

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